Meet our whānau

A Māori firm of professionals bringing a depth of experience, from the private and public sectors, to deliver quality outcomes for our clients.

Te Rau Kupenga

Te Rau Kupenga


Lil Anderson

Lil Anderson

Principal - Wellington

Lynette Amoroa

Lynette Amoroa

Principal - Auckland

Sarah Apanui

Sarah Apanui

Managing Principal

Glenys Hauiti-Parapara

Glenys Hauiti-Parapara

Managing Principal

David Wilson

David Wilson

Managing Principal

Hinerangi Barr

Hinerangi Barr


Kelvin Davis

Kelvin Davis


Les Harding

Les Harding

Principal - Security

Rawinia Ngatai

Rawinia Ngatai

Office Manager

Makere Kupenga

Makere Kupenga

Office Manager - Tairāwhiti

Chelsea Bertos

Chelsea Bertos

Business Manager

Whaimutu Dewes

Whaimutu Dewes

Specialist Consultant

Michelle Hippolite

Michelle Hippolite

Specialist Consultant

Pele Kupenga-Keefe

Pele Kupenga-Keefe

Specialist Consultant

Matanuku Mahuika

Matanuku Mahuika

Specialist Consultant

Cath Nesus

Cath Nesus

Specialist Consultant

Carmen Parahi

Carmen Parahi

Specialist Consultant

Taimania Clark

Taimania Clark

Senior Consultant

Thomas Haapu

Thomas Haapu

Senior Consultant

Mikaia Leach

Mikaia Leach

Senior Consultant

Arihia McClutchie

Arihia McClutchie

Senior Consultant

Nehe Milner-Skudder

Nehe Milner-Skudder

Senior Consultant

Luke Rowe

Luke Rowe

Senior Consultant

Rua Tipoki

Rua Tipoki

Senior Consultant

Te Wehi Wright

Te Wehi Wright

Senior Consultant

Awhina Rickard

Awhina Rickard


Daniel Tukiri

Daniel Tukiri



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